My Fur-kid Tootsie <3
My Fur-kid Tootsie <3
My brother, who oddly also majored in COM. And is 14" taller than me.
My brother, who oddly also majored in COM. And is 14" taller than me.
My husband and I like to travel.
My husband and I like to travel.
My husband's cat, Noelle
My husband's cat, Noelle
My Fur-kid Fonzie
My Fur-kid Fonzie
We planned & paid for a wedding here. It never happened. I'll bet it would have been beautiful. A year later, the place was gorgeous... (it probably would have rained, right? lol)
We planned & paid for a wedding here. It never happened. I'll bet it would have been beautiful. A year later, the place was gorgeous... (it probably would have rained, right? lol)
This is what you get to do if you sleep w/the pilot. (LOL - come AWN: we're married!)
This is what you get to do if you sleep w/the pilot. (LOL - come AWN: we're married!)

Once, I graduated from college.

I'm Jodi. I'm an Instructional Assistant Professor. I've been at ISU since 1999. 
I'm married, and my husband is the greatest guy ever. 
We travel quite a bit, and spend a few weeks a year in South Carolina working a second gig we have going on there. When we can, we also spend time snorkeling off the coasts of distant lands, fascinated and humbled by the world that exists underwater: it's so cool!
My hobbies include fish keeping (I'm an amateur aquarist - we have multiple aquariums), cooking, and baking. I'm fairly handy with a piping bag and frosting. I have a crazy aesthetic going on at home and I like hanging around the house because it has a super eclectic, chill vibe (e.g. a 6' metal rooster in my yard or basement, depending on the season; a 3' bespectacled, distinguished gold rabbit bust in my bedroom...). 
Ultimately, my pets are my life. Outside of my husband, I can't imagine loving anything more. They really are my kids.
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